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Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Jutta Tobias Mortlock

Next-generation mindfulness: A mindfulness matrix to extend the transformative potential of mindfulness for consumer, organizational, and societal wellbeing

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Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance, Identifying effects and mechanisms

Jutta Tobias Mortlock, Dawn Querstret & Alison Carter

Extending the Transformative Potential of Mindfulness Through Team Mindfulness Training, Integrating Individual With Collective Mindfulness, in a High-Stress Military Setting

Frontiers in Psychology

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Health behaviour change, Identifying effects and mechanisms

Katy Tapper

Mindful eating: what we know so far

Nutrition Bulletin

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Health behaviour change, Identifying effects and mechanisms

Seguias, L. & Tapper, K.

Nutrients, 14, 1043

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Health behaviour change, Identifying effects and mechanisms

Wilson, E., Senior, V. & Tapper, K.

The effect of visualisation and mindfulness-based decentering on chocolate craving

Appetite, 164, 105278

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Long-term conditions

Bogosian, A., Hurt, C.S., Hindle, J.V., McCracken, L., Vasconcelos, D.A., Axell, S., Tapper, K., Stevens, J., Hirani, S., Salhab, M., Ye, W., Cubi-Molla, P.

Acceptability and Feasibility of a Mindfulness Intervention Delivered via Videoconferencing for People With Parkinson’s

Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology

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Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Tobias Mortlock, Jutta

More than Meditation: How Managers can Effectively put the Science of Workplace Mindfulness to Work

In Satinder K. Dhiman (Ed.) forthcoming The Routledge Companion to Mindfulness at Work, Routledge, ISBN 9780367200046

Anxiety in autism

Gaigg, S.B., Flaxman, P., McLaven, G., Shah, R., Bowler, D.M., Meyer, B., Roestorf, A., Haenschel, C., Rodgers, J., & South, M.

Self-guided mindfulness and cognitive behavioural practices reduce anxiety in autistic adults: A pilot 8-month waitlist-controlled trial of widely available online tools


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Health behaviour change, Identifying effects and mechanisms

Tapper, K., Seguias, L.

The effects of mindful eating on food consumption over a half-day period.

Appetite, 145, 104495

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Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Tobias Mortlock, J. M.

More than Meditation: How to make mindfulness work for you.

In Psychology In Practice Magazine

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Lomas, T, Cartwright, T, Edginton, T & Ridge, D.

A Qualitative Analysis of Experiential Challenges Associated with Meditation Practice.

Mindfulness 6(4) 848-860.

Mindfulness in schools

Tobias Mortlock, Jutta

Audio-guided Mindful-Based Social Emotional Learning (MBSEL) training in school classrooms: The Inner Explorer Program

In Ivtzan, I. (Ed.), Handbook of Mindfulness-Based Programmes: Mindfulness Interventions from Education to Health and Therapy London: Routledge. ISBN 978-1-138-24094-0

Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Tobias Mortlock, Jutta

Mindful leadership

In Ivtzan, I. (Ed.), Handbook of Mindfulness-Based Programmes: Mindfulness Interventions from Education to Health and Therapy London: Routledge. ISBN 978-1-138-24094-0

Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Alison Carter & Jutta Tobias Mortlock

Mindfulness in the military: Improving mental fitness in the UK Armed Forces using next generation team mindfulness training

Institute for employment studies, Cranfield University, and Defence Science and Technology Lab (DSTL)

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Anxiety in autism

Gaigg, S.B., Crawford, J. & Cottell, H.

An Evidence Based Guide to Anxiety in Autism.

City, University of London & the Autism and Social Communication Team, West Sussex County Council

Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Tobias Mortlock, Jutta

Achtsamkeitstraining für die Firma? Gerne, aber bitte nachhaltig

Nachhaltiges Management Nachhaltigkeit als exzellenten Managementansatz entwickeln (pp. 439–457). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Gabler. ISBN 978-3-662-57693-9.

Neurological correlates

Karlinski, M., Jones, A. & Forster, B

Electrophysiological evidence for changes in attentional orienting and selection in functional somatic symptoms.

Clinical Neurophysiology, 130(1), 85–92.

Mindfulness in schools

Bakosh, L.S., Tobias Mortlock, J.M, Querstret, D. & Morison, L.

Audio-guided mindfulness training in schools and its effect on academic attainment: Contributing to theory and practice

Learning and Instruction, 58, 34–41.

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Health behaviour change, Identifying effects and mechanisms

Seguias, L. & Tapper, K.

The effect of mindful eating on subsequent intake of a high calorie snack.

Appetite, 121, 93-100.

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Neurological correlates

Christensen, J.F., Gaigg, S.B & Calvo-Merino, B

I can feel my heartbeat: Dancers have increased interoceptive accuracy.

Psychophysiology, 55(4). doi:10.1111/psyp.13008.

Health behaviour change, Identifying effects and mechanisms

Tapper, K.

Mindfulness and craving: effects and mechanisms.

Clinical Psychology Review, 59, 101-117.

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Health behaviour change, Identifying effects and mechanisms

Tapper, K. & Ahmed, Z.

A mindfulness-based decentering technique increases the cognitive accessibility of health and weight loss related goals.

Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 587.

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Health behaviour change, Identifying effects and mechanisms

Tapper, K. & Turner, A.

The effect of a mindfulness-based decentering strategy on chocolate craving.

Appetite, 130, 157-162

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Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Waters, C. S., Frude, N., Flaxman, P. E., & Boyd, J.

Acceptance and commitment therapy for clinically distressed healthcare workers: Waitlist controlled evaluation of an ACT workshop in a routine practice setting.

British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57(1), 82-98.

Anxiety in autism

Gaigg, S.B., Cornell A.S.F. & Bird, G.

Short Report: The psychophysiological mechanisms of Alexithymia in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism, 22, 227-231.

Mindfulness in schools

Gillard, D., Flaxman, P.E. & Hooper, N.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Applications for Educational Psychologists within Schools.

Educational Psychology in Practice, 34(3), 272–281.

Anxiety in autism

Nicholson, T.M., Williams, D.M., Christensen, J.F., Calvo-Merino, B & Gaigg, S.B.

Interoceptive impairments do not lie at the heart of Autism or Alexithymia.

Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 127, 612-622.

Health behaviour change, Identifying effects and mechanisms

Tapper, K.

Can mindfulness influence weight management related eating behaviors? If so, how?

Clinical Psychology Review, 53, 122-134.

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Long-term conditions

Bogosian, A., Hurt, C. S., e Sa, D. V., Hindle, J. V., McCracken, L., & Cubi-Molla, P.

Distant delivery of a mindfulness-based intervention for people with Parkinson’s disease: the study protocol of a randomised pilot trial.

Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 3(1), 4.

Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Jennings, T., Flaxman, P., Egdell, K., Pestell, S., Whipday, E., & Herbert, A.

A resilience training programme to improve nurses’ mental health.

Nursing Times, 113(10), 22–26.

Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Lloyd, J., Bond, F. W., & Flaxman, P. E.

Work-related self-efficacy as a moderator of the impact of a worksite stress management training intervention: Intrinsic work motivation as a higher-order condition of effect.

Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 22(1), 115-127.

Identifying effects and mechanisms

Hopthrow, T., Hooper, N., Mahmood, L., Meier, B.P. & Weger, U.

Mindfulness reduces the correspondence bias.

The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70, 351 360.

Identifying effects and mechanisms

Mahmood, L., Hopthrow, T. & De Moura, G.R.

A moment of mindfulness: Computer-mediated mindfulness practice increases state mindfulness.

PLoS ONE, 11(4).

Anxiety in autism

Maisel, M.E., Stephenson, K.G., South, M., Rodgers, J., Freeston, M.H., & Gaigg, S.B.

Modeling the cognitive mechanisms linking autism symptoms and anxiety in adults.

Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 125, 692-703.

Long-term conditions

Bogosian, A., Hughes, A., Norton, S., Silber, E., & Moss‐Morris, R.

Potential treatment mechanisms in a mindfulness‐based intervention for people with progressive multiple sclerosis.

British Journal of Health Psychology, 21(4), 859-880.

Mindfulness in schools

Bakosh, L.S., Snow, R.M., Tobias, J.M., Houlihan, J.L. & Barbosa-Leiker, C.

Maximizing Mindful Learning: Mindful Awareness Intervention Improves Elementary School Students’ Quarterly Grades.

Mindfulness, 7(1), pp. 59–67.

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Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Carter, A., Tobias J., & Spiegelhalter, K.

Mindfulness in organisations. Case studies of organisational practice.

HR Network Paper 127. Institute of Employment Studies.

Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Bond, F.W., Flaxman, P.E. & Lloyd, J.

Mindfulness and meditation in the workplace: An acceptance and commitment therapy approach.

. In West, M.A. (Ed.), The Psychology of Meditation Research and Practice Oxford University Press.

Neurological correlates

Forster, B., Tziraki, M. & Jones, A.

The attentive homunculus.

Neuropsychologia, 84, 158–166.

Neurological correlates

Christensen, J.F., Gomila, A., Gaigg, S., Sivarajah, N. & Calvo-Merino, B.

Dance Expertise modulates behavioural and psychophysiological responses to affective body movement.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42, 1139–1147

Lomas, T, Cartwright, T, Edginton, T & Ridge, D.

New Ways of Being
a Man: ‘‘Positive’’ Hegemonic Masculinity in Meditation-based Communities of Practice.

Men and Masculinities, 1-22.

Long-term conditions

Bogosian, A., Chadwick, P., Wingassen, S., Norton, S., McCrone, P., Mosweu, I., Silber, E., & Moss-Morris, R.

Distress improves after mindfulness training for progressive MS: A pilot randomised trial.

Multiple Sclerosis, 21(9), 1184-1194.

Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Bond, F.W., Lloyd, J., Flaxman, P.E. & Archer, R.

Psychological Flexibility and ACT at Work.

The Wiley Handbook of Contextual Behavioral Science (pp. 459–482)

Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Choi, Ellen & Tobias, Jutta

Mind the Gap: The Link Between Mindfulness and Performance at Work Needs More Attention.

Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, Vol 8(4), Dec, 2015. pp. 629-633.

Lomas, T., Edginton, T., Cartwright, T., & Ridge, D.

Cultivating equanimity through mindfulness meditation: A mixed methods enquiry into the development of decentering capabilities in men.

International Journal of Wellbeing, 5(3), 88-106.

Neurological correlates

Sel, A., Calvo-merino, B., Tuettenberg, S. & Forster, B.

When you smile, the world smiles at you: ERP evidence for self-expression effects on face processing.

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10(10), 1316–1322.

Health behaviour change, Identifying effects and mechanisms

Jenkins, K.T. & Tapper, K.

Resisting chocolate temptation using a brief mindfulness strategy.

British Journal of Health Psychology, 19, 509-522.

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Identifying effects and mechanisms

Gillanders, D. T., Bolderston, H., Bond, F. W., Dempster, M., Flaxman, P. E., Campbell, L. … Remington, B.

The Development and Initial Validation of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire.

Behavior Therapy, 45(1), 83–101.

Neurological correlates

Sel, A., Forster, B. & Calvo-Merino, B.

The emotional homunculus: ERP evidence for independent somatosensory responses during facial emotional processing.

Journal of Neuroscience, 34(9), 3263–3267.

Lomas, T, Cartwright, T, Edginton, T & Ridge, D.

A religion of wellbeing? The appeal of Buddhism to men in London.

UK Psychology of Religion and Spirituality

Lomas, T., Ridge, D., Cartwright, T. & Edginton, T.

Engagement with meditation as a positive health trajectory: Divergent narratives of progress in male meditators.

Psychology and Health 29(2) 218-236.

Lomas, T, Edginton, T Cartwright, T, & Ridge, D.

Men developing emotional intelligence through meditation? A mixed methods enquiry.

Psychology of Men & Masculinity.

Lomas, T., Cartwright, T., Edginton, T. & Ridge, D.

‘I was so done in that I just recognized it very plainly, you need to do something’: Men’s narratives of struggle, distress and turning to meditation.

Health, 17(2), 191-208.

Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Flaxman, P.E., Bond, F.W. & Livheim, F.

The Mindful and Effective Employee An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Training Manual for Improving Well-Being and Performance.

New Harbinger Publications.

Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Lloyd, J., Bond, F. W. & Flaxman, P. E.

The value of psychological flexibility: Examining psychological mechanisms underpinning a cognitive behavioural therapy intervention for burnout.

Work & Stress, 27, 181–199.

Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Flaxman, P. E. & Bond, F. W.

Worksite stress management training: Moderated effects and clinical significance.

Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 15, 347–358.

Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Flaxman, P. E. & Bond, F. W.

A randomised worksite comparison of acceptance and commitment therapy and stress inoculation training.

Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48, 816–820.

Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Flaxman, P.E. & Bond, F.W.

Acceptance and commitment training: Promoting psychological flexibility in the workplace.

In Baer, R.A. (Ed.), Assessing Mindfulness and Acceptance Processes in Clients Illuminating the Theory and Practice of Change New Harbinger Publications.

O'Driscoll, A.

The growing influence of mindfulness on the work of the counselling psychologist. A review.

Counselling Psychology Review - British Psychological Society, 24(3&4).

Health behaviour change

Tapper, K., Shaw, C., Ilsley, J., Hill, A.J., Bond, F.W. & Moore, L.

Exploratory randomized controlled trial of a mindfulness based weight loss intervention for women.

Appetite, 52, 396-404.

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Workplace mental health, wellbeing and performance

Flaxman, P.E. & Bond, F.W.

Acceptance and commitment therapy in the workplace.

In Baer, R.A. (Ed.), Mindfulness-Based Treatment Approaches Clinician's Guide to Evidence Base and Applications Academic Press.